Bridging Divides

WINIR YOUNG SCHOLARS PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP ON BRIDGING DIVIDES (PITTSBURGH, USA, SEPTEMBER 2024) — Institutional theory can be used as a starting point to help us look at how societies with deep cultural and political differences can coexist peacefully and thrive amidst the challenges posed by globalization and technological revolutions. It can help us scrutinise existing governance and social arrangements to manage growing disparities, exacerbated by information technology, immigration, and cultural exchanges, leading to a crisis in political and governance frameworks.

Technology & Institutional Change

WINIR YOUNG SCHOLARS PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP ON TECHNOLOGY & INSTITUTIONAL CHANGE (CATANIA, ITALY, SEPTEMBER 2023) — Technological development has become a driving force in shaping and transforming societies, revolutionizing their structures, processes, and governance mechanisms. The complex dynamics between technology and institutional change is today a vital area of interdisciplinary research, involving economics, geography, law, sociology, philosophy, politics, among other disciplines.

Technology & Society

WINIR YOUNG SCHOLARS WORKSHOP ON TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY (ONLINE, MAY 2023) — Rapid technological progress has the power to unlock human potential while simultaneously disrupting social, political, legal, and economic processes. Institutional paradigms urge a reconsideration, to evaluate our understanding of the relationship between humans and technology/machines, and whether technology is itself an institution.