Institutions & Survival II

In 2024 WINIR will sponsor a second international conference of the Forum for Institutional Thought on the theme of “Institutions & Survival”. This event will be held at the University of Bialystok in Bialystok, Poland, with the aim of showcasing the latest developments in institutional economics to an audience of research and teaching staff, PhD students, politicians, activists, and entrepreneurs from Poland and abroad.

Technology & Institutional Change

WINIR YOUNG SCHOLARS PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP ON TECHNOLOGY & INSTITUTIONAL CHANGE (CATANIA, ITALY, SEPTEMBER 2023) — Technological development has become a driving force in shaping and transforming societies, revolutionizing their structures, processes, and governance mechanisms. The complex dynamics between technology and institutional change is today a vital area of interdisciplinary research, involving economics, geography, law, sociology, philosophy, politics, among other disciplines.

Regulation & the Common Good

WINIR WORKSHOP ON REGULATION & THE COMMON GOOD (SHEFFIELD, UK, OCTOBER 2023) — For better or for worse, in a range of policy areas, justifications for regulation are framed in the language of market failure or its counterpart government failure. By contrast, the point of departure of much socio-legal scholarship is the recognition that societal issues cannot be reduced to this dichotomy.