Institutions & Survival II

In 2024 WINIR will sponsor a second international conference of the Forum for Institutional Thought on the theme of “Institutions & Survival”. This event will be held at the University of Bialystok in Bialystok, Poland, with the aim of showcasing the latest developments in institutional economics to an audience of research and teaching staff, PhD students, politicians, activists, and entrepreneurs from Poland and abroad.

Institutions, Inequality & (Un)Happiness

In 2023 WINIR sponsored the Fifth London Workshop on Institutional Issues organised by the Friday Association for Institutional Studies – a collective including members of the Birkbeck Centre for Political Economy and Institutional Studies (CPEIS), the Centre for New Economic Transitions at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies (CNET) and the Institute for International Management at Loughborough University London.


In 2020 WINIR sponsored the a mini-series of online workshops jointly organized by the Institute for International Management (Loughborough University London), the Centre for Political Economy and Institutional Studies (Birkbeck University of London), and the Centre for Comparative Studies of Emerging Economies (University College London).

Institutions & Survival I

In 2019 WINIR sponsored the Second Conference of the Forum for Institutional Thought held at the Pedagogical University of Kraków in Poland. Speakers discussed the economic, legal and philosophical challenges and threats associated with the design and implementation of institutional solutions aimed at achieving better life standards in the 21st century.

AI & Big Data

In 2019 WINIR sponsored the Fifth Witten Conference on Institutional Change organised by the Witten Institute for Institutional Change (WIWa) at Witten/Herdecke University in Germany. Papers from economics, politics, ethics, psychology, philosophy, and other relevant social sciences that deal with artificial intelligence and big data were welcome.